Monday, October 30, 2006

I am Back!!!

This is my weekly dosage of fun and entertainment. Highly confidential. Only for the eyes of eekers.

For world of warcraft supporters. Something super funny!!!

Broughtly brought to you by the Unknown.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Junior Treat Senior

Juniors at work!

Johnathan chopping the bacon(?)
he can cook! very well!

Kaijuan posing with her sandwich.

alison helping out with the "popcorn" chicken.
see her smiling? she was posing for me to take the picture. haha.

and of cos...!

we have those who does "quality control" by eating........

the end product....
looks good huh?!

and guess who's hand that is...?
spoil the picture...

seniors and colin eager to eat...

(you can guess who spoilt the previous picture. just check out their sitting arrangement...)

to be continued....

Dear Seniors,

We hope you people enjoyed yourselves during the JTS.

The juniors would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for guiding us through, helping us juniors when we need help, and all the fun we've had together.

Blk E rocks!

Yours sincerely,
Juniors of Blk E

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


is de "the jungle book" mug in level 3 pantry anyone's?
this is really impt so someone pls help me find out!!!

Monday, October 23, 2006


ignore the previous post (except the last line) because the author did not know that VC is already doing its publicity.

its time to show our community spirit!

i noe we dun get community service hours for this anymore but i still hope we can have more people to be enthusiastic about getting involved in the old folks' home visit this sunday. the people there are really looking forward to seeing us and will deifnitely appreciate our company. the details are as follows:
Date: 28 Oct 2006, Saturday
Time: 1-6pm
Location: Some old folks' home in Hougang
Activities: prepare some programmes to entertain the folks.
volunteers are welcomed, if not strongly encouraged! anyone who can make pls come!
just give yr names to any blk com members!

btw, on a totally diff note, i wish pple will stop taking others' clothes out of the dryer when they are still wet. merci beaucoup.

VC event

Voluntary Corp (VC) welcomes all Eekers to join the upcoming Elderly Visit on 28th October 2006 (Saturday) from 1pm to 6pm! We welcome monetary donations as well! They will only be used solely for the Elderly we are visiting.

Program line up includes: 1) Food Distribution and Home Delivery

2) Tea Session

3) Short Performance by volunteers

It will be an exciting event! All Eekers can take this opportunity to make a difference in others’ life, together as a block.

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Hello eekers!

a really funny video to share.

think most of you have watched it before.
but it still tickles la.
altho its the 1000001 time u are watching it.
=) enjoy!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Blk E T-Shirt Design

Hello fellow Eekers!
We have finally decided on a design!!

This is how our very own Blk E T-shirt will be like...!

Presenting..... (front & back)

Blk Day with Blk A

It was a success.
all the laughter and fun we had last night.
it was really great wasn't it?
not forgetting the great food both blk comms prepared.
and the games.
and ponding of our dear blk head.
sux to be blk head right Qijun?
well, it sure was a blast!

lets hope there would be more of such events in the near future!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Reliving your Childhood (not for those STILL in their childhood)

thanks all for coming! hope u had a fun time burning each others lanterns, laughing, running around and all the gina things people like us do.

happy mid autumn festival to one and all ;)

p.s. big nic where u go arh how come u not in the picture? :p

gd luck to all those having tests tmr!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Mid Autumn Festival

Hi all, me yeefern hyeli caroline ken and irene are going to take a nice stroll (prob to PGP) tmr with our lanterns to celebrate Mid Autumn Festival!

we decided to be inclusive and not leave anybody behind (Ohana and family theme marh this year)

so YOU (yes, you!) are cordially invited to this lap sup, ad hoc event. (pls don't expect too much)

this will take place at around 12 midnight behind block e. so be there or be square (or moonshape) !

though we don't have mooncakes (where is my swenson's durian ice cream mooncake *sobs) or chinese tea (actually i have some damn nice chinese tea in my room but got no pot to brew for everybody) we will have lanterns (and candles and sticks etc) ! (i hope)

i'll be goin to get them tmr after school (sigh) or between my break (Sigh still) so i kinda need an estimate of how many people are going.

please help jio your floor then tag to let me know k!

-old chris

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

New updates on our block events...

Mon 9/10 SWOC forum

Thurs 12/10 Block Day, Combined activity (supper/games/etc) with Block A

Mon 16/10 SWOC EOGM for SWOC election

Thurs 19/10 MAF (Mid Autumn Festival) with KR

Thurs 26/10 JTS (Junior Treat Senior)

Timing for the event are not confirmed. However, do take note of these dates and set them free at night. We have lined up a list of activities to satisfy your crave. I suppose we can see it as a post midterm celebration.

PS: Who is interested in SWOC? It is going to be very fun!!
Requirements: Siao-On.

Beloved Blk Comm

Bored during the midterm? Lol..
Something to irritate you.

Another video proudly brought to you by the Unknown.