all right
eekers! seems like all the happy elmo-s and emo elmos finally made it to the new semester (: personally, I hope my sem2 will move at the speed of pentium 1 considering that my sem1 flew past too quickly. *panics* I love surprises but at the rate that the events are happening it's going to give me heart attacks. what about the rest of you elmos- at what speed are your hoping this sem will move at?
and so just for updates, we have sent off some of our favourite fellow blockmates who are leaving for SEP these few weeks. which probably explains why the coridoors are so quiet and lonely recently as compared to last sem, and why some of us are growing fat from popeye suppers. but it's okay! we do have new people coming in so lets show some love for them.

sending off kwonghow and junghai
do visit kwong how's facebook for photo updates on his life at stockholm. and if you're sweet enough, send some KOI bubble tea (w/o pearls) over to him as well as some nice food. he did mention that cai fan cost $18 dollars over there :l omg ultimate daylight robbery.
as for junghai, I suppose he's probably busy shovelling snow and thus have no time to update us on his life over at france. in any case, the alternative option we have is to camp till 3am just to catch him online.
sending off our dearest ex-block head xinyi (:i was talking to xinyi the other day during my lecture, she told me that her room over at leeds is pathetically small. like. smaller than what we have in sheares hall. sigh. which means that we have one less place to stay at when we go on a trip. anyway! come back soon xinyi! level4 really misses you ): for those who wishes to talk to xinyi, skype~!!
finally, we just sent yifeng off yesterday, since the photos have not been uploaded yet, I shall substitute with another for the moment :D
our 'lovely' yifeng
as far as i know, she spent some of her last few days in singapore working. and there are plans to survive on maggiemee when she's overseas to save on expenses.
for shimin. lets wait for them to come back together (:
for those who missed the sending off (and hence the popeye supper) don't fret! we'll be sending off our very own national swimmer Edmund soon! Not quite sure about the date though, he has chosen to remain secretive about it- but it should be around 19th/20th. anyway, he's busy learning spanish now. when he returns he'll be such a romantist (:
likewise, our paparazzi will find out your departure date soon
On a much more estatic note, Vernon fat tubby has lead our handball team to the finals! hiphiphooray! everyone please go down and support. 8pm SRC handball court 1 to see the bigball vernon trash our rivals with the comparatively smaller handball :D how eggciting!!!!!
where vernon's chui looks can be deceivingJust for laughs

self declared goo jun pyo, andee hong has decided to ignore the overwhelming request to shave his hair so as not to disappoint his own fan club (in which he is his own greatest and only fan hahah) , in favour of a permed hair. unfortunately, after perming andee's hair (he loved it. it was said to look fabulous on him), the hairdresser cut away his curls. hmmm.... ohwell. in anycase, our andee has got a much flatter hair than ever.